Barclaycard's Love of Live brand structure at Latitude

Along with multiple stage builds last weekend, Star Live was also working with its client Iris at Latitude, helping deliver their client Barclaycard’s Love of Live brand structure activation.

Working closely with Iris to bring their concept to life, Star Live delivered a complete solution, from fabrication to fit-out.

Having waited almost two summers for the return of live music, now only the best spot will do. If you’re off to the Isle of Wight festival, head over to the Barclaycard Lookout brand structure to get the ultimate view of the main stage.

As always, big thanks to one of our key agency partners, Iris, for bringing Star Live in on this fantastic activation.

Star Live x Barclaycard's Love of Live activation

The newly refurbished Mobile Orbit stage looking great at Classic Ibiza, Bowood House


Star Live's VerTech Ground Support & rigging package installed at new studio MARS Volume